Bishop Mykola Semenyshyn: “I thank the one who gave me strength…”
“I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service” (1 Tim 1, 12). These words of the Apostle Paul became the leitmotif of the gratitude speech of the newly ordained Bishop Mykola Semenyshyn after his ordination as a bishop on February 15, 2023.

Primarily, Bishop Mykola Semenyshyn expressed his gratitude to God for the gift of life and priesthood. He then addressed his family members: his parents, two brothers with their families, godparents, and three godchildren. “I am grateful to my family for their faithful support and a constant reminder that as a priest, I should not forget to ‘be a human,’” he said.
The preacher then recalled his childhood years and studies at a school in the village of Hlyboke in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, as well as the example of the local rector, Fr. Volodymyr.
Bishop Mykola also expressed his gratitude to his alma mater, the Ivano-Frankivsk Theological Seminary, where he had the opportunity to study and serve as a vice-rector. “I am grateful to Bishop Sofron Mudryi of blessed memory for the deacon and priestly ordinations, as well as for sending me to continue my studies in the Eternal City,” the bishop continued.
According to Bishop Mykola, it was in Italy that he gained his first experience of priestly ministry in the Diocese of Pinerolo, in the north of the country. The episcopal ordination was attended by the then priesthood leader, Father Walter, and his mother, Ines.
Special thanks were extended to friends from the Diocese of Grosetto: “To Father Paul, Vicar General, Fathers Mark, and Ivan, for your presence and solidarity with the long-suffering Ukrainian people you have shown through the organization of humanitarian aid for us.”
Bishop Mykola could not avoid mentioning the great man who was extremely dear to him, Patriarch Lubomyr, of blessed memory. “His Beatitude Lubomyr, you once said: ‘Father Mykola, my secretary, is my eyes.’ So today, I am addressing you with a request: ‘Be my eyes in my episcopal ministry!’”
In the end, Bishop Mykola Semenyshyn addressed his consecrators and fellow bishops. “Your Eminence and dear bishop, the time of preparation for this day was not an easy time for me, but being with you, I experienced your fatherly care, and it was manifested in a seemingly simple question that you asked me many, many times: ‘Bishop, just say is there anything else that you need?’. Thank you!” he said to Metropolitan Volodymyr Viytyshyn. He then thanked Bishop Bohdan Dziurakh for “becoming a strong spiritual support in Knyazhychi.” Finally, he addressed all the bishops: “Dear brothers in the episcopate! This is the first time I am addressing you this way, and I do so with some awe. Thank you for accepting me into your family!”
The Auxiliary Bishop of the Ivano-Frankivsk Archeparchy expressed his gratitude to the Holy Father for the trust ascertained to him in the person of the Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine, Archbishop Visvaldas Kulbokas.
Bishop Mykola addressed the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, with the following words: “Your Beatitude! Thank you for the gift of episcopal consecration that you have bestowed upon me today. I thank you for the example of your tireless service and for your apostolic zeal, with which you, as the Head of our Church, ignite each of us: from the youngest to the oldest. Your Beatitude, I entrust myself to your holy prayers, and I promise to continue to pray in your intentions.”
“I entrust all of the above to the maternal care of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and may the all-merciful Lord bestow His graces on all of you for many blessed years!” Bishop Mykola Semenyshyn concluded.
The UGCC Department for Information
based on the materials of the press service of the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC