Patriarch Lubomyr Husar Street opened in Lviv

June 2, 2023, 10:04 59

From now on, Lviv has a street that will remind us of Patriarch Lubomyr Husar, whose greatness we have not yet fully comprehended. However, many of us were privileged to hear this spiritual man, to know him, and to learn from his wisdom.

Patriarch Lubomyr Husar Street opened in Lviv

The opening of Patriarch Lubomyr Husar Street was timed to coincide with the sixth anniversary of his departure to the Lord.

“The leadership of Lubomyr Husar came at a time of hardship when the Church was coming out of the underground and was persecuted by the Soviet authorities. His Beatitude Lubomyr moved the seat of the UGCC from Lviv to Kyiv, which showed that it is the Church of the entire Ukrainian people. The phrase ‘To be human’ has spread around the world. Let’s remember how important it is to be a human,” said Fr. Yustyn Boyko, synkellos on monasticism issues in the Lviv Archdiocese of the UGCC.

The event, which was blessed by the Archbishop and Metropolitan of Lviv, Ihor Vozniak, began with the singing the national anthem and a joint prayer service.

The ceremony was attended by the clergy of the Lviv Archeparchy, representatives of the city and regional authorities, public figures, and street residents.

Bishop Ihor addressed the audience with a welcoming speech: “Thank you for gathering to mark the street of Patriarch Lubomyr Husar. Most of those present know and remember him. He was not only a religious but also a cultural, public, and political figure. This street will remain a remembrance that His Beatitude Lubomyr loved his people, lived, and worked for them. He left behind a great spiritual heritage, sayings, and thoughts. Over time, all of this will emerge, and we will have the opportunity to access, be inspired, and glean from his wisdom. Let us remember this person and his sacrificial service. Patriarch Lubomyr did not stay abroad but returned here because he loved his land, people, and church.”

During the celebration, the quintet of the Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul performed His Beatitude Lubomyr’s favorite song, “My Father, my white swan.”

The celebration ended with a joint performance of the prayer for Ukraine, “God, the Great, the One.”

The UGCC Department for Information
based on the materials of the press service of the Archeparchy of Lviv

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