Father Andrew Onuferko Named Mitred Archpriest

July 14, 2024, 13:00 420

His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), has named Reverend Father Andrew Onuferko, Protosyncellus of the Diocese of Toronto and Eastern Canada, a mitred archpriest and granted him the right to wear the mitre.

Father Andrew Onuferko Named Mitred Archpriest

“Recognizing your zeal for the glory of God and the benefit of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, particularly your dedicated priestly service in the United States (Chicago), Belgium, and Canada, as well as your diligent work as a scholar and teacher of biblical studies at the restored Lviv Theological Seminary and the Ukrainian Catholic University, your role as acting director of the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies in Ottawa, your leadership of the working group ‘Vibrant Parish — a place to encounter the living Christ,’ your contributions as a member of the UGCC Development Strategy project, and your long-term facilitation of the sessions of the UGCC Synod of Bishops, we express our heartfelt gratitude, recognition, and praise,” states the Naming Decree.

In the document, His Beatitude Sviatoslav notes that in making this decision, he considered the opinion of the Most Reverend Bryan Baida, Eparch of the Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada, as well as the numerous merits and authority of Father Andrew. “We name you a mitred archpriest and grant you the right to wear the mitre,” the decree solemnly proclaims.

His Beatitude Sviatoslav presented the decree on the church honor at the conclusion of the UGCC Synod of Bishops, which took place in Zarvanytsia from July 2 to 12, 2024.

The UGCC Department for Information

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