Work on the Code of Canons of the UGCC Presented to the UGCC Bishops

September 12, 2023, 09:51 90

One of the main competencies of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC is to promulgate laws for the entire Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Hence, each annual meeting of the Synod includes consideration of canonical issues, especially since the Code of Canons of the UGCC is currently being developed.

Work on the Code of Canons of the UGCC Presented to the UGCC Bishops

On September 11, within three meetings, the Working Group on developing the Code of Canons of the UGCC presented ten new titles. Among them are: “Dioceses and Bishops,” “Ecumenical Activity and Interreligious Dialogue,” “Evangelization and Missionary Activity of the UGCC,” “Church Education,” “Laity,” “Consecration and blessing, holy places and periods, the cult of saints, vows and an oath” and “Baptized non-Catholics entering full communion with the Catholic Church,” “About the cult of God and in particularly about the Holy Sacraments,” “Penal sanctions,” “Unification of the faithful.”

The group was headed by Bishop Yevhen Popovych, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Przemysl and Warsaw. In a comment to the press service of the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC, we asked him to explain each title briefly.

Title “Dioceses and Bishops”

This title encompasses a whole range of matters related to the government of the diocesan bishop, the organization of the work of the diocesan curia, the election of the bishop, and the whole life of the diocese.

Title “Laity”

This title is relatively short, but it describes the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church layman. First, the layperson is neither a monk nor a priest. This is a person who, through the very fact of baptism or admission to our Church, is a member of it. Therefore, this title also outlines the various tasks and responsibilities of our laity in the Church in the time we are in now.

The title “Unification of the Faithful”

It refers to the associations of believers that exist in the Church. Following the idea of this title, we divide these associations into private and public. Therefore, their distinctions and competencies are also presented here. In particular, who is competent to authorize an association, to grant charters to this association, how it should operate, and define its tasks and mission in the Church.

Title “Evangelization and Missionary Activity of the UGCC”

It is a title in which we discuss the missionary activity of our Church in places without church structures. We go there and meet different people who want to join our Church and express their willingness to be its members.

Title “Ecumenical Activity and Interreligious Dialogue”

This title is essential in the context of the denominational situation in Ukraine, where we have various Orthodox Churches and many Protestant communities, and we are in between them. So, questions arise about how to respond and collaborate in the interreligious world where our Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church finds itself today.

Title “Baptized non-Catholics entering full communion with the Catholic Church”

It clearly states the actions to be taken, specifies roles and responsibilities, and what competencies a parish priest, layman, bishop, or even the Synod of Bishops is authorized to perform. In this nuanced area, we are addressing persons baptized in a non-Catholic Church but wanting to join the Catholic Church.

Answering a question about the relationship between the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the Code of Canons of the UGCC, Archbishop Yevhen Popovych emphasized: “The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches is a fundamental document for all the Eastern Catholic Churches. We are writing our own code based on this code, the decisions of our synods and traditions. When the Apostolic See approves our code, our Church will have the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the Code of Canons of the UGCC, which will facilitate the ministry of our Church.”

Work on the Code of Canons of the UGCC is in progress.

Press service of the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC

See also