“Ukraine stands and will stand firm. Ukraine battles — and will win its battle. Ukraine prays — and will receive from the Lord God what it prays for”: His Beatitude Sviatoslav

December 21, 2023, 21:20 58

Ukraine is preparing for the second Christmas since Russia’s all-out invasion of Ukraine—the “great war,” as it is termed, although this war and invasion has been lasting for ten years. The world seems to have adjusted to the fact that Ukraine is at war: the subject of Ukraine is still in the headlines and news feeds of the world’s media, but this news is not as “hot” as it was in early 2022. Statements by European and American politicians are becoming more and more ambiguous. The issue of financial and military aid to Ukraine is becoming a “trump card” in the political game. It is becoming increasingly difficult for Ukraine.

“Ukraine stands and will stand firm. Ukraine battles — and will win its battle. Ukraine prays — and will receive from the Lord God what it prays for”: His Beatitude Sviatoslav

Nonetheless, every day, the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, recounting the General Staff’s report on the progress of this great war, states: “Ukraine stands. Ukraine fights. Ukraine prays.” These words are heard throughout Ukraine and the world; they are heard in the occupied territories and where the front line now runs. Perhaps these words represent the central outcomes of this year and what Ukraine is carrying into the celebration of the Birth of God’s Son.

In the final program of the Open Church, the Father and Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, once again highlighted these focal points for Ukraine:

“We do have good news that the world should be aware of. The fact that Ukraine is standing is not only a human miracle but also a God-given one. Despite our challenges and the desire of some for our collapse, we persist. This resilience of Ukrainians impresses the world.

Perhaps we are also becoming more aware of ourselves: we genuinely understand that we are a nation of great heroes who can speak about great things to the whole world. The world has adjusted to the reality that there is a war in Ukraine, but the world has not forgotten about us or no longer supports us. On the contrary! I think the Ukrainian Churches, including our Church, volunteers, diplomats, and politicians, are doing everything to ensure that the world sees us standing.

We are fighting. And our fight has not lasted two years, or even nine or ten. Our battle, the battle against the colonizer who comes from Moscow, has been raging for centuries. This year, we commemorated the Holodomor, the genocide, and the 90th anniversary of this great tragedy, when we were doomed to destruction. But we are still fighting to this day! They tried not just to take our lives but to kill our will to live, our will to freedom. But we possess it, and this will is forged like steel, even when it brings us trials and tribulations.

And we pray. Moreover, the way Ukrainians conduct themselves and profess their Christian faith in times of war is also something to be admired by the world. Many European bishops told me that Europe has experienced more than one war, both European and world wars. Yet, European Christianity did not develop a spirit of Christianity during the war. Thus, Ukraine, and our Church as well, gives this testimony of professing the Christian faith, an ability not only to be a human being but also to be a Christian in inhuman and absolutely non-Christian circumstances. This testimony is incredibly important and valuable today.

Therefore, Ukraine stands and will stand firm. Ukraine battles — and will win its battle. Ukraine prays — and will receive from the Lord God what it prays for,” His Beatitude Sviatoslav emphasized.

The UGCC Department for Information

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