“The Resurected Christ travels with us on the road of our lives”: U. S. Bishops in Their Easter Message

March 31, 2024, 11:55 80

In their Easter Pastoral Letter, the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of the United States offer hope and encouragement to Ukrainians throughout the United States in the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine.

“The Resurected Christ travels with us on the road of our lives”: U. S. Bishops in Their Easter Message

The message, authored by Metropolitan Borys Gudziak of Philadelphia, Bishop Pavlo Khomnytsky of Stamford, Bishop Venedykt Aleksiychuk of Chicago, and Bishop Bohdan Danylo of Parma, recalls the Gospel story of Cleopas and his companion on the road to Emmaus. Drawing attention to their despair after Jesus’ crucifixion, the bishops parallel the disciples’ hopelessness with the feelings of many Ukrainians in the face of war.

“The hopelessness and despair experienced by Cleopas and his companion are not alien to us, who live two thousand years later,” the message says. “For Ukrainians, the feeling of hopelessness has been intensified by the ravages caused by the Russian invasion of our homeland.”

In the message, the bishops convey a powerful message of hope that comes from the Resurrection of Christ.

“Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24, 32).

The bishops emphasize that Christ travels with us on our journey, bestowing light and strength: “Dearly beloved in Christ! Today, just as the Risen Christ met Cleopas and his companion on their journey, He walks alongside each of us on the road of our lives, bestowing light and strength.”

The Easter message concludes with a blessing of hope and light for Ukraine: “May the hope and light of our Resurected Lord be upon all of you and our long-suffering homeland Ukraine during this Paschal time and always!”

The full text of the Easter message is available here.

The UGCC Department for Information

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