Sisters of the St. Basil the Great invite women to the Open Day

February 2, 2025, 14:00 15

Sunday, February 2 nd is the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. That weekend the Sisters of St. Basil the Great will have an Open House from 2:00PM-5:00PM for women to come and meet Sisters from various countries who serve in the Order.

Sisters of the St. Basil the Great invite women to the Open Day

For information, please contact Sr. Anne Laszok, O.S.B.M. at 412.260.1607 or at [email protected].

Petitions for Vocations to the Religious Life

We also pray that the Lord God may sow the seeds of His calling among men and women so that they may dedicate their lives to serving Him as brothers and sisters in religious life. May their lives become a beacon illuminating the path to the Heavenly Kingdom and a sign of God’s love for the world. Lord, hear us and have mercy.

We also pray that the Lord God, who calls us to follow Him, may grant each of us love, courage, and zeal in serving His Church. May everyone who hears His call to consecrated life follow His beloved Son, Christ our God. Lord, hear us and have mercy.

See also