“Metropolitan Andrey’s words were a rock and a stronghold, and prayer was a shining light”: an annual pilgrimage of Lviv Archeparchy to Prylbychi took place

July 31, 2023, 12:11 26

On July 29, on the 158th anniversary of the birth of the righteous Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, the traditional annual pilgrimage of the Lviv Archeparchy to the village of Prylbychi was conducted under the guidance of Bishop Ihor Vozniak.

“Metropolitan Andrey’s words were a rock and a stronghold, and prayer was a shining light”: an annual pilgrimage of Lviv Archeparchy to Prylbychi took place

During the joint prayer, Bishop Pavlo Khomnytsky addressed the faithful with a sermon.

“Today, we pay tribute to God for the gift of the life of a righteous metropolitan for the Ukrainian Church and the entire Ukrainian people. We would have neither the Ukrainian Church nor the nation today if it were not for the holiness and foresight of Andrey Sheptytsky!” said Bishop Pavlo.

On Andrey Sheptytsky’s birth anniversary, the preacher recalled the gifts and talents with which the righteous metropolitan served the Church. He paid particular attention to the impact of Metropolitan Andrey’s work on millions of Ukrainians in the diaspora. In particular, he spoke about the Basilian Monastery of Peter and Paul’s activities in the province of Alberta, in western Canada.

“Metropolitan Andrey showed love and care for his congregation wherever he traveled. Metropolitan Andrey continues to encourage, support, and pray for us today in Ukraine, especially in this difficult time when a ruthless aggressor is attacking our homeland and missiles are raining down on our cities,” said the hierarch.

“We should remember that he was the leader of our Church during two world wars. Back then, his words were a rock and a stronghold for us, and his prayer was our shining light in these terrible years. Now, let us pray to him. We, your children, appeal to you, our great Metropolitan Andrey, to protect your Ukrainian people and your Ukrainian Church, and us, your children, here in our native land. Pray to God to protect us from all evil, from all dangers, from all enemies, visible and invisible, and that the Lord God will grant us His peace and His resurrection,” the Bishop of Stamford called.

Metropolitan Ihor then thanked the bishops and priests for joining the communal prayer on the birthday of the righteous Andrey. He also recalled the fast that the Lviv Archeparchy continues every Tuesday with the intention of the victory of Ukraine, which he urged all the faithful of the Lviv Archeparchy to join.

At the end of the Liturgy, the bishops and priests performed the rite of blessing the water. Afterward, Bishop Ihor blessed the Metropolitan Andrey Art Space, where the Eteria choir performed authentic songs.

The UGCC Department for Information
based on the materials of the press service of Lviv Archeparchy

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