His Beatitude Sviatoslav Meets with Serhiy Cherevaty, Director General of Ukrinform

June 20, 2024, 15:50 39

On June 20, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, met with Serhiy Cherevaty, Director General of the National News Agency Ukrinform, in Kyiv, the administrative center of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

His Beatitude Sviatoslav Meets with Serhiy Cherevaty, Director General of Ukrinform

At the beginning of the meeting, the Head of the UGCC congratulated Mr. Serhiy on his promotion to an imperative position in the context of the information war that Russia is waging against Ukraine along with the real war. His Beatitude Sviatoslav assured the head of Ukrinform of his full support for his work. He also described the information fronts where the UGCC is fighting and urged the consolidation of efforts to spread the truth about the war in Ukraine, particularly to the Global South.

The parties discussed the importance of developing information hygiene in society, which will help Ukrainians successfully resist various information and psychological special operations launched by the enemy.

Another topic of the meeting was the vitality of church and religious content in the Ukrainian information field. People need a word of hope that heals wounds in the context of war. It was argued that Ukrainian society, in which 70 % declare themselves believers, has the right to receive church and religious information not only from its own communication channels but also from secular ones.

The participants exchanged memorable gifts to mark the meeting. The Head of the UGCC, in particular, presented the head of Ukrinform with a commemorative medal issued on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the coronation of the miraculous icon of Our Lady of Pochayiv. The crown was blessed by Pope Clement XIV in September 1773, and the coronation was performed by Bishop Sylvester Rudnytsky, Bishop of Lutsk and Ostroh.

The UGCC Department for Information

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