UGCC Head on the Annunciation: Peace Comes Through from the Reconciliation of a Person with God
“Today, on the feast of the Annunciation, as we experience a very precarious moment in the history of Ukraine, I call on all our people to a nationwide reconciliation with God… During Lent, the Church calls each of us to the Holy Sacrament of Confession.” The Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church emphasized this during his sermon on the Feast of the Annunciation.

On March 25, the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, His Beatitude Sviatoslav presided over the Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Warsaw.
“Today I am especially privileged to come to you from Kyiv and convey to you the wounds of your Mother Church which is not yet conquered, but cares for you and embraces you,” the Primate addressed the faithful of the UGCC in Warsaw. He emphasized that Ukraine, although going through difficult times, “is fighting, it is vibrant, it is standing.”
The Feast of the Annunciation, according to the Head of the UGCC, is the beginning of the salvation of mankind and a vital moment in the Christian calendar: “This is the feast of the good news, which marked the beginning of our salvation,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav, recalling the historic occasion when the Archangel Gabriel announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she would become the Mother of the Son of God.
The Patriarch emphasized that the event in Nazareth constitutes a sacrament of God’s humility.
His Beatitude Sviatoslav drew special attention to the words of Mary: “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38). He explained that these words mean a lot to every Christian, because they contain the key to understanding how a person should regard God—with humility and willingness to fulfill His will.
Moreover, the Primate emphasized that through these two exemplars of humility—God’s and humanity’s—open the door to reconciliation. According to him, through God’s humility, as God becomes a man, humanity is able to reconcile with God.
“That is why we are so happy today. During such a demanding, strict time of Lent, we receive a glimpse of heavenly light and joy,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav, and continued: “This is the holiday in which the beginning of our salvation is found.”
The Head of the UGCC emphasized that reconciliation with God is especially pivotal for Ukrainians in times of war. “Peace stems from reconciliation between a person and God.”
“To feel today how the Holy Spirit descends on us through the mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the power of the Almighty envelops us, we must be reconciled with God in the Holy Sacrament of Confession,” the Primate emphasized, “Because once a person says to God, ‘Here I am, the Lord’s servant, let it happen to me according to your word,’ then the power of God becomes active and real.”
“It is impossible to discover a formula for peace unless truth and justice are confronted. A person has nowhere to get that peace if they are not reconciled with God,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
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