The First Thing We Ask Is to Support People in Ukraine: The Head of the UGCC in the 103 rd week of the war appeals to the powerful of this world

February 5, 2024, 08:30 75

Нам потрібно гоїти людські серця. Нам потрібно також щодня відбудовувати наші міста і села, які ворог невтомно й невпинно руйнує. Про це сказав Отець і Глава Української Греко-Католицької Церкви у традиційному зверненні у 103-й тиждень найбільшої війни сучасного людства, яку росія принесла на мирну українську землю.

The First Thing We Ask Is to Support People in Ukraine: The Head of the UGCC in the 103 rd week of the war appeals to the powerful of this world

Ukrainian defender released from enemy captivity, photo from Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Facebook page

The Primate noted that, according to reports, the Russian invaders do not have any intention of halting their aggression. On the contrary, they are increasing the intensity of hostilities and openly declaring their intentions to seize new territories of our homeland.

Nonetheless, he noted, there was one bright event this week. The 50th exchange of prisoners of war took place during the full-scale invasion, which has been going on for two years on our lands. This week, 207 of our defenders returned to their homes. The youngest is 20 years old, and the oldest is 61 years old.

The Head of the Church expressed his gratitude to all those who contributed to the exchange. “Among them, I express my special gratitude to the Holy Father Francis. Among the liberated people are doctors from Mariupol, whose list we, along with other members of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations, personally presented to the Pope a year ago. It was accomplished with the assistance of the Ukrainian medical community, the Order of St. Panteleimon,” said the spiritual leader.

His Beatitude Sviatoslav remarked that over the centuries of our tumultuous history, many destroyed and oppressed us, but few supported us instead. That is why our people cherish all the good they have experienced throughout history. We lived for centuries in foreign countries while residing in our native land. The Ukrainian Church was often the only mother, protecting our people and being their voice before the powers of this world.

According to him, the European Union has received good news about financial assistance to Ukraine this week. “For us, Ukrainians, this is, first and foremost, a powerful gesture of moral support. Despite the Russian propaganda, Europe and the world do not tire of Ukraine, but on the contrary, attempt to support it in every possible way,” the Primate emphasized.

He also noted that today, the United States and other powerful economies of the world are considering ways to support Ukraine. “The first thing we ask,” the spiritual leader urged, “is to support people in Ukraine. We need to feel the shoulder of our brothers and sisters from around the world.”

The Head of the UGCC emphasized his desire for the entire world to hear our Motherland’s words of gratitude, asserting that Ukraine stands, fights, and prays!

Gratitude is a deeply Christian trait of the Ukrainian people.

“Let the words of gratitude,” the spiritual leader called, “come from the lips of the Ukrainian Church on behalf of the Ukrainian people to all those who, for example, participate in Ukrainian Week in Washington, who host our elected officials, representatives of volunteer organizations, and together with them reflect on ways to support Ukraine most effectively—how to assist our heroic nation, which is ready to sacrifice its most precious possession: its life.”

The UGCC Department for Information

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