Materials on topics “Australia” News and announcements “Always proclaim his truth and the everlasting peace that it brings,” Bishop Mykola at the Catholic Social Services Australia (CSSA) conferenceMarch 21 “Let us embody the essence of hope, becoming beacons of light and compassion in these challenging times,” Bishop Mykola at the AFUO Zyizd 2025March 17 Consecration of Melbourne’s Syro-Malabar Cathedral unites Eastern Catholic Churches of Australia in prayerNovember 29 A charity evening was held in Perth to support Ukrainian defendersSeptember 28 “Through art, we can discover the Ukrainian spirit and identity.” Bishop Mykola at the opening of the exhibition in MelbourneSeptember 16 Bishop Mykola Bychok at a parish feast in Ardeer: ‘Our lives are not eternal. Eternity is waiting for us.’August 21 Retreat for the Clergy of the Melbourne EparchyJune 17 Pastoral visit to Tasmania in AustraliaMay 28 More