Pilgrimage of Hope: The First Ukrainian Pilgrims Share Their Experience

Pilgrimage of Hope: The First Ukrainian Pilgrims Share Their Experience

February 17, 2025, 14:00 69

The first pilgrims from Ukraine have already undertaken a pilgrimage to the Holy Door in the Vatican to mark the anniversary year, including the sisters of the Congregation of St. Josaphat and their spiritual guides.

Advice for Future Pilgrims

Drawing on the experience of Ukrainian pilgrims who have crossed the border and fulfilled all the necessary requirements for a pilgrimage to the Holy Door, we offer the following advice to future pilgrims.

First and foremost, a pilgrimage requires not only the preparation of essential documents but also spiritual preparation through the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion, along with works of mercy. Many events, such as papal audiences, have restrictions on the number of participants, so it is crucial to register in advance on the official website of the anniversary iubilaeum2025.va to avoid long queues and ensure organized access to the Holy Doors of St. Peter’s Basilica.

It is worth noting that, in addition to St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, other major papal basilicas also have a Holy Door: the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, the Basilica of St. Mary Major, and the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls.

From the sisters’ experience, pilgrims arriving at St. Peter’s Square are welcomed by volunteers who guide them in the right direction.

A Ukrainian Saint in the Vatican

January 28, 2025, marked the 400th anniversary of the funeral of St. Josaphat Kuntsevych. To commemorate this occasion, a Divine Liturgy was celebrated at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, presided over by Bishop Iryney Bilyk, a canon of the Pontifical Basilica of St. Mary Major. The prayer service was attended by the sisters of the Congregation of St. Josaphat and their spiritual guides who had traveled to Rome.

Гріб святого Йосафата Кунцевича у ВатиканіГріб святого Йосафата Кунцевича у Ватикані

St. Josaphat Kuntsevych, the Archbishop of Polotsk and a martyr for Church unity, lived by the credo: “That all may be one.” Reflecting on his sacrifice and its significance for their faith, the sisters shared, “It was a moment of unity with the history of the Church, a call to fidelity and humility that St. Josaphat so vividly embodied. This pilgrimage was one of hope, transforming us and bringing us closer to God.”

Recounting their experience, the sisters described walking towards St. Peter’s Basilica: “Carrying the cross, looking ahead at the grandeur of the basilica, was a profoundly spiritual moment.” For them, as his spiritual sisters, being at the heart of the Universal Church was deeply significant. “We felt the special presence of St. Josaphat and the power of his spiritual legacy. This year is truly extraordinary,” they concluded.

Jubilee Year 2025: A Time of Divine Mercy and Spiritual Renewal

The Jubilee Year in the Catholic Church is a special period of God’s mercy, during which the faithful have the opportunity to receive a plenary indulgence, a remission of temporal punishment for sins that have already been forgiven. It offers a unique chance for spiritual purification and renewal. In Ukraine, several churches have been designated as pilgrimage sites where the faithful can obtain a plenary indulgence. In the Kyiv Archeparchy, for example, these include the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv, the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary of Vyshhorod in Vyshhorod, and the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vinnytsia.

Father Taras Kohut, who accompanied the sisters, highlighted the significance of the Jubilee Year as a time of extraordinary divine grace: “A plenary indulgence is a remarkable spiritual gift that we can offer either for our own purification or for the souls of the deceased. It is an unparalleled opportunity to receive and share divine mercy.”

The Church provides the faithful with a unique path to renewal and liberation from temporal punishment. “This is a true gift from God, for we cannot atone for our sins by our own efforts alone. Repentance, mercy, and forgiveness come solely through God’s love. The Jubilee Year is a precious opportunity for complete purification through divine grace,” the priest emphasized.

While Confession and penance are essential steps toward reconciliation with God, they do not always fully address the consequences of sin. “Every grave sin not only violates the commandments but also damages our relationship with God, others, and even ourselves,” explained the priest. “Even minor offenses can have deep spiritual repercussions, while grave sins leave wounds on the soul that require healing. The Jubilee Year invites the faithful not only to seek forgiveness but also to restore inner harmony by reexamining their relationship with God and their neighbors.”

To obtain a plenary indulgence during the Jubilee Year, the following conditions must be met:

Reception of the Sacrament of Confession to cleanse the soul from sin.

Participation in the Holy Eucharist, including attendance at Holy Mass and reception of Holy Communion.

Prayer for the Pope’s intentions.

Performing an act of mercy or making a pilgrimage.

It is important to note that visiting one designated jubilee shrine per eparchy is sufficient to obtain an indulgence.

Jubilee 2025: A Path to Unity

Pope Francis has proclaimed the Jubilee Year of 2025 as the Year of Hope, a message that holds particular significance for Ukrainians amid the challenges facing the nation. Bishop Iryney Bilyk, Canon of the Pontifical Basilica of St. Mary Major, underscores the importance of this time as an opportunity for deep reflection, both individually and collectively as a Church and as a nation.

He emphasizes that this Jubilee Year is a moment to strengthen hope—the force that enables us to persevere, pray, move forward, and ultimately triumph, especially during these difficult and tragic times in our history.

Ruslana Tkachenko

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