Patriarch Lubomyr Husar may soon become blessed. Head of the UGCC commences beatification process

February 26, 2024, 16:30 473

On February 26, 2024, His Beatitude Sviatoslav solemnly proclaimed the commencement of the beatification process of Patriarch Lubomyr Husar. The proclamation was made during a gratitude moleben to mark the end of the Year of Patriarch Lubomyr on the 91 st anniversary of his birth.

Patriarch Lubomyr Husar may soon become blessed. Head of the UGCC commences beatification process

The Decree of Proclamation states that during the six years since the passing of Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, the power of his word and spirit has served as a support and guide for people in their daily lives, especially during this terrible war.

On May 31, 2017, Patriarch Lubomyr passed on to the Lord in Kyiv. On June 5, his body was buried in the crypt of the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ.

“Since then, God’s people have demonstrated a special spiritual reverence for the person of Lubomyr Husar, not so much praying for his repose as asking for his intercession, attesting to the glory of his holiness through numerous entries in the books of memory placed near his tomb. These entries indicate the signs, graces, and healing received,” His Beatitude Sviatoslav said in the Decree.

The study of the beatification and canonization of Patriarch Lubomyr was initiated given the numerous appeals of individuals and communities of believers, as well as the presence among a large part of God’s people of the spontaneous glory of holiness, which encourages Christians to pray through the blessed memory of Lubomyr Husar.

The governmental applicant (ex officio) in this case is the Kyiv Archeparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.


By a separate Decree, His Beatitude Sviatoslav named Pavlo Lokot as a postulator for the beatification and canonization of the servant of God Lubomyr.

Постулятор о. Павло Локоть і Блаженніший СвятославПостулятор о. Павло Локоть і Блаженніший Святослав

The Head of the UGCC urged all the faithful of the Church to support this holy cause and explained the way to proceed.

“When someone receives any favor through the intercession of His Beatitude Lubomyr (answered prayer, healing, etc.), you have a duty to report it in good faith; you have no right to conceal the gift received from God. You need to inform Father Pavlo Lokot, the postulator. Then, according to all the church rules, he will record this case, and the beatification process will move forward,” said His Beatitude Sviatoslav, and encouraged people to support this valuable process with their donations.

During the moleben, a prayer for the glorification of God’s servant Lubomyr Husar, specially composed for this occasion, was read for the first time. Afterward, a memorial service was held in the crypt in front of the tomb of the soon-to-be blessed.

The UGCC Department for Information

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