Pastoral visit to Tasmania in Australia
Last weekend, Fr. Andriy Mykytyuk, Synkellos for Laity of the Eparchy of Sts. Peter and Paul, was on a pastoral visit to Tasmania. The faithful in Launceston and Hobart had the opportunity to gather for joint prayer.

Already, traditionally, at the end of each month, priests of the Melbourne Eparchy visit Tasmania to spiritually serve the faithful who live on this island. For Ukrainian Catholics in Tasmania, such visits are a special time when they can receive the Holy Sacraments, pray together, and talk with the priest.
On Saturday, May 25, a Divine Liturgy was held in Launceston, during which those present prayed for the heroes, for peace in Ukraine, and for all the intentions of the parishioners. After the liturgy, the Ukrainian community of Tasmania gathered in the park to communicate and relax.
On Sunday, May 26, a prayer sounded in the Chapel of the Transfiguration of our Lord in Hobart, where the faithful also gathered to pray together for heroes, peace in Ukraine, and all personal intentions.
Since on Sunday we prayerfully remembered all the saints, during his homily, Fr. Andriy explained to the faithful what it means to be a saint in our time. In particular, he emphasised: “To be a saint is also to be a hero. A saint is someone who brings values into life and testifies to God with his life.” So the priest encouraged those present to be saints and heroes in their lives.
catholicukes.auPhoto: Mishka Góra