O Lord! In Your fortitude Ukraine will always be Your invincible State, — the Head of the UGCC during “The Prayer for Ukraine” on the Independence day
On Independence Day, an ecumenical prayer for Ukraine was held in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, with the participation of the President of Ukraine and his wife. The Father and Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, took part in the prayer with heads of churches and religious organizations.

As reported in the office of the President of Ukraine, the chamber choir performed “Our Father.” After that, Heads of Churches and leaders of religious organizations prayed for Ukraine and delivered speeches.
The Prayer of the Father and Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav:
“O Lord, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, this day we stand together before Your face and thank You for the gift of freedom, independence, restoration of the Ukrainian State. We ask You today: save, O God, Your people and bless Your inheritance, our people, our government, our Army. Hear the cry, the lamentation of Your people of Ukraine. Give victory to the Ukrainian Army over the unjust Russian occupier and aggressor. Bless our volunteers and doctors. Bless all those who save the human life given by You. Today we beg You for our brothers and sisters in the occupied territories, in the war zone. We plead to You for displaced persons and refugees, for all those to whom the war has inflicted deep wounds.
O, Lord, You are our Savior, the only physician of our souls and bodies, save us today! In Your fortitude, Ukraine is and will be Your invincible State!
O, Mother of God, we give our Motherland under Your protection today. Cover it with your honest omophorion. Mother of God, Kyiv Oranta, pray for Your people! Amen.”
The President of Ukraine congratulated heads of churches and religious organizations on Independence Day and thanked them for the spiritual support of the Ukrainian people.
The event finished with the spiritual hymn “God, the great one! Save Ukraine for us”.
The UGCC Department for Information