New Superior General and Governing Body Elected for the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph

August 1, 2024, 14:53 143

On July 31, 2024, the Marian Spiritual Center “Zarvanytsia” held elections for a new superior general and the main governing body of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph the Betrothed of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Sr. Markiana Vasylyshyn was elected as the superior general for the next five years.

New Superior General and Governing Body Elected for the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph

This was reported on the Congregation’s Facebook page.

The new governing body of the Congregation includes:

Sr. Elizaveta Bihun, First Advisor and Chief Deputy,
Sr. Sophia Fuchs, Second Chief Advisor,
Sr. Lukiya Hulyak, Third Chief Advisor,
Sr. Anastasiia Matsyk, Fourth Chief Advisor and Secretary,
Sr. Rafaila Hodiy, Chief Housekeeper.

“We ask the Lord for wisdom, courage, and the light of the Holy Ghost for the newly elected government in their service for the glory of God and the benefit of our Church!” the Congregation notes.

The election of the new government of the Congregation of St. Joseph took place during the General Chapter, which is being held from July 30 to August 2, 2024. Delegates from Ukraine, Poland, Canada, and Brazil are participating in the Chapter. The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph the Betrothed of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a monastic community of papal law in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

The UGCC Department for Information

See also