Interactive Map of the UGCC Already Features 3,611 Markers
As of the beginning of April 2024, the UGCC Interactive Map has been completed with 3,611 markers. These include 22 in Australia and Oceania, 575 in North America, 62 in South America, and 2,952 in Eurasia.

Over the past month, the database has been updated and supplemented, with new sites added in Italy, Poland, Ukraine, and other countries. This includes ongoing work to research information, mark new UGCC centers, and add basic data to existing markers.
The interactive map shows the places where the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church regularly celebrates liturgies. These include churches, chapels, monasteries, pastoral centers, and educational institutions.
What do we need?
Name of the parish or church (chapel, monastery, educational institution) + city, region (or country).
Jurisdiction (deanery or protopresbytery; diocese or exarchate).
Contact phone number.
Contact email address.
Website (including social media pages).
Schedule of services.
Time of Confession.
The time when the church is open.
Overview of parish and church history
Current parish life (communities, events, activities).
Are there relics of saints, a miraculous spring (chapel), a miraculous icon in the church?
If you do not find your parish or a familiar one on the UGCC map, or any of the listed items about your church or chapel, you can send us information about it.
Where should it be sent?
The map’s e-mail address: [email protected].
Private message to the map page:
The UGCC Department for Information