Head of UGCC Meets with Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine

January 8, 2024, 21:38 68

On January 8, the Father and Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, met with Mr. Mykhailo Vynnytsky, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine. The meeting was held as part of the implementation of the provisions of the Agreement on Cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations.

Head of UGCC Meets with Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine

The Deputy Minister informed His Beatitude Sviatoslav about the fundamental principles of the reform of higher education in Ukraine and how to implement them, taking on board equivalent reform measures that have already been implemented to some extent in secondary education.

Mr. Mykhailo also described what legislative changes are envisaged within this reform and how these changes will impact freedom of conscience in Ukraine, specifically, the activities of higher education institutions run by religious organizations.

His Beatitude Sviatoslav noted that for the religious component of Ukrainian society, the content of the educational process in both secondary and higher education is especially important. The necessary moral and spiritual upbringing of children, adolescents, and youth is a common task facing the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, educational institutions, churches, and religious organizations. It is also essential to mitigate any corruption in the field of education.

The Primate voiced a wish for more intensive cooperation of churches and religious organizations with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in all good endeavors, notably such fundamental ones as reforming the entire education sector. After all, the purpose of education is the comprehensive development of a person as an individual and the highest value of society: the education of responsible citizens who are capable of making conscious social choices and directing their activities to benefit other people and the community.

In pursuit of this idea, His Beatitude Sviatoslav suggested and recommended the broader use of experts from the religious environment, from the UGCC in particular, and especially from the Ukrainian Catholic University. Regarding the secondary education reform, the Patriarch recommended contacting the UGCC Commission on Education and Upbringing.

During the meeting, the parties also discussed cooperation to prevent the inclusion in educational literature and curricula of provisions that contradict the traditional family values of the Ukrainian people, threaten to devalue the institution of family, motherhood, and fatherhood, and deprive the family, responsible motherhood and fatherhood of the importance of an educational ideal. These joint efforts of both the state authorities and the religious component of civil society become a matter of pressing concern in wartime challenges, as they protect our identity, which is the foundation of our victory in the future.

The UGCC Department for Information

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