Families of fallen heroes take part in a pilgrimage to Univ Lavra

July 26, 2023, 09:00 47

On July 22, the chaplains of the Center for Military Chaplaincy of the Lviv Archeparchy of the UGCC organized a one-day pilgrimage to the Holy Dormition Univ Lavra for the families of the defenders who gave their lives in the fight for Ukraine. Sixty people joined the pilgrimage.

Families of fallen heroes take part in a pilgrimage to Univ Lavra

At the beginning of the pilgrimage, the participants prayed the Divine Liturgy together and took part in the Holy Sacraments of Confession and Eucharist. A group also went on a hike to Chernecha hill. The pilgrims could stop by a miraculous spring and draw healing water. Afterward, everyone prayed a prayer Moleben to the Blessed Virgin Mary near the Univ Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God for our heroes and victory.

Studite monks conducted a tour around the Holy Dormition Univ Lavra, briefing the pilgrims on the shrine’s history and monastic life.

“Together with the families of the newest fallen heroes, we are united in a strong prayer community. All the families are grateful for this opportunity to be in a special prayerful atmosphere that spiritually unites them,” said Fr. Yuriy Balukh, priest of the Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, chaplain of the Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy.

The UGCC Department for Information
based on the materials of капеланство. інфо

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