Abbots of UGCC Monastic Congregations Conclude Annual Formation Study

December 3, 2024, 11:30 45

From November 25 to 29, the final module of the annual study program for abbots of monastic communities and monasteries of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church was held at the Marian Spiritual Center in Zarvanytsia. This eighth and concluding module brought to a close a program that began on January 15, 2024. Consisting of eight thematic sessions, the program was designed to deepen the abbots’ knowledge and practical skills in various aspects of spiritual and administrative ministry.

Abbots of UGCC Monastic Congregations Conclude Annual Formation Study

During the final module, participants focused on exploring canonical issues, including the missionary nature of monasticism as outlined in Church documents, the autonomy of monastic communities, hierarchs’ visits to monasteries, and the processes of beatification and canonization. In addition to theoretical studies, the abbots practiced handling administrative regulations and documentation.

A key element of the final stage was prayer for a victorious peace in Ukraine, for its defenders, and for their families. Special petitions were offered to the Mother of God, seeking an end to the war and the glorification of Patriarch Josyf Slipyj.

On November 27, the participants visited the family home-museum of Patriarch Josyf Slipyj in the village of Zazdrist. There, they viewed an exhibition showcasing his life and ministry, followed by prayer in the church adjacent to the museum.

The program was coordinated by Sister Magdalena Vytvytska, OSBM, Deputy Head of the Patriarchal Commission for Monastic Affairs. Lectures were moderated by Fr. Hryhoriy Dzhala of the Missionary Congregation of Saint Andrew the Apostle, who also serves on the Patriarchal Commission for Monastic Affairs.

The UGCC Department for Information

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